We offer fall prevention classes
Camarillo Health Care District offers a variety of educational and instructional opportunities surrounding falls, fall prevention, mobility, and balance.

Matter of Balance helps prevent falls
Have you fallen? Are you worried about falling? Join us to learn how to prevent falls, discuss safety techniques to reduce concerns, and set goals for increasing activity.
Please call to be added to our interest list. The cost is $40, or $44 for Non-District residents.
Call 805-388-1952 to register.
Learn about our Senso balance machine and sign up for our interest list.
Read about preventing falls, gaining strength and improving balance!

Join us for Bingocize on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Bingocize is a fun and interactive program, based on research conducted at Western Kentucky University, combining education with exercise and social engagement. Methods taught in this course focus on health education, such as nutrition and fall prevention, knowledge of fall risks, ways to reduce falls, health activation, and aspects of cognition. The exercise component focuses on improving functional performance for upper and lower body strength, balance and range of motion. We currently have three offerings.
Oct. 1-Dec. 10 (T&Th), 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Please register in advance. The cost is $40, or $44 for Non-District residents.
10-week series.
Call 805-388-1952 to register.