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Caregiving classes build confidence

May contain: human and person
May contain: hands, heart, caring

Care Consultations

Care Consultations are confidential, personalized discussions that can help sort out and address issues important to you. A professional social worker can help you prioritize needs, address concerns, and make recommended plans for living independently at home. Plans also include direct assistance in accessing a broad variety of community resources such as nutrition services, transportation issues, caregiver burden, home modifications and assistive devices, relaxation and educational opportunities, legal and insurance services, and more. We appreciate the strength and courage it takes to approach these issues, and we’re here to support you. Appointments available in-person, virtually or telephonically. Call 800-900-8582 to set a free appointment.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Caring for a loved one can be overwhelming. This educational program is designed to help caregivers maintain their personal well-being to better care for their loved one or friend. (6-week series).


Session 0: Tuesday, May 13, 10-11 a.m.

Six-Week Series: Tuesdays, May 20-June 24, 10-11:30 a.m.

Cost is $30/$34 for materials.

Call 805-388-1952 to join an interest list.


Dealing with Dementia

The Dealing with Dementia Program was developed by the Rosalynn Carter Institute as an evidence-informed educational support program for caregivers of people living with dementia. This four-hour workshop highlights topics such as: the caregiving experience with an easily understandable explanation of dementia, best practices in caregiving, and problem solving with dementia behaviors. Learn tips for caregivers to find time for self-care and stress management. Completed workshop participants will receive a comprehensive manual for dementia caregivers. We currently have three offerings.

Thursdays, March 6 and 13, 1:30-3:30 p.m. (in-person, 2-part class)

Wednesdays, June 11 and 18, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (in-person, 2-part class)

Please call to register. Cost of materials is $35/$39.


The Wellness Hour

Practical Tips for Healthy Aging

Join us for The Wellness Hour: Practical Tips for Healthy Aging. We will discuss strategies for maintaining a healthy diet, staying active, managing pain, and enhanced overall well-being. Learn simple, effective habits to boost energy, improve mobility, and support a vibrant, independent lifestyle.

Friday, May 16, 10-11 a.m.

The cost is $15, or $14 for Non-District residents.

Call 800-900-8582 to join an interest list.

Caring for yourself while caring for others

Join us for The Wellness Hour: Caring for yourself while caring for others. Are you putting others before yourself? Are you putting your needs on the backburner? Does it feel like the care you provide for a loved one, friend or family member leaves with little to no time for yourself? Are you feeling frustrated, anxious or irritable? Come to this lecturette to learn ways to care for yourself while caring for another .

Wednesday, June 25, 10-11 a.m..

The cost is $15, or $14 for Non-District residents.

Call 800-900-8582 to join an interest list.

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