Caregivers Center serves as a sanctuary

Visit our Caregivers Center, register to attend Powerful Tools for Caregivers, check out resources in our caregiver library
A hidden gem in our community is the Camarillo Health Care District's Caregivers Center. In 2017, we won the prestigious Rosalynn Carter Leadership in Caregiving Award for our center and its "outstanding community work in public awareness, evidence-based programming, and advocacy on behalf of caregivers." Have you visited yet or taken advantage of all the wonderful classes, programs and services offered within the center?
Our Caregivers Center, located in Building H at 3639 E. Las Posas Road in Camarillo, is a sanctuary for compassionate support and assistance. We understand how difficult it is to have a loved one living with a chronic illness or significant change in health status, and we understand that it can be overwhelming.
The Caregiver Center is intentionally designed to:
- Help caregivers understand that they ARE a caregiver;
- Provide a calm and compassionate environment designed for respect and dignified learning;
- Support the emotional, physical, mental and financial needs of family caregivers.
The Caregiver Center offers high-quality education, skills training, programs and resources to help caregivers be the best they can be, while also taking care themselves.
Many family members and friends serve as caregivers without realizing it. Such "family" caregivers serve as the backbone of America's long-term care system, and it often comes at great physical, emotional, and financial cost to the caregiver. Statistics show that giving care for a period of months or years can result in the caregiver having increased emotional stress, depression and health issues.
The center is friendly, professional and intentionally designed to provide practical, compassionate and reality-based support for caregivers, with a variety of services available either at the center, in your own home, or over the phone. Many services are provided at no charge. The center can also assist with Health Promotion and Disease Prevention services.

Caregivers Resource Library
Nestled within the Caregivers Center is the George & Alda Kroll Resource Library. It contains specially selected resources relating to caregiver duties and chronic disease, and living with chronic conditions. The library is indexed, which allows you to check out a resource and enjoy it at your home, or you're also welcome to stay and read or watch your selection in the library, or enjoy some quiet time in the Tranquility Room. We also offer caregiving videos through our "Adventures in VR" Independent Adventures class using the AARP application "Alcove."
Depression and Caregiver Well-Being Screening
We offer Depression and Caregiver Well-Being Screening. Speak with a qualified counselor on Dec. 1 (9:30, 10:30 or 11:30 appointments available) to learn if you show symptoms of depression. Understand more about the moods you are experiencing and learn about resources that may help. One-hour appointments are available. There is no charge.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
We still have seats available in our virtual class, "Powerful Tools for Caregivers," a six-week series offered November through December.
We know caring for a loved one can be overwhelming. This educational program is designed to help caregivers maintain their personal well-being to better care for their loved one or friend.
Meet in Session 0 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 to get familiar with the online platform. The series will be held on Wednesdays, Nov. 8-Dec. 13, 2-3:30 p.m.
It costs $25 for materials (non-District residents add $4). Call us at 805-388-1952 to register.
Care Consultations
We also offer care consultations at no cost. These confidential, personalized discussions can help sort out and address issues important to you.
A professional social worker can help you prioritize needs, address concerns, and make recommended plans for living independently at home. Plans also include direct assistance in accessing a broad variety of community resources such as nutrition services, transportation issues, caregiver burden, home modifications and assistive devices, relaxation and educational opportunities, legal and insurance services, and more.
We appreciate the strength and courage it takes to approach these issues, and we’re here to support you. Appointments are available in-person, virtually or telephonically. Call 800-900-8582 to schedule an appointment.