Our Community Outreach Efforts

District staff present at church luncheon
Blair Barker, Program Officer, and Michelle Rogers, Community Services manager, attended the monthly luncheon at Camarillo Methodist Church on March 12, 2025, to present on the District's programs, services and classes. A crowd of about 50 local residents, parishioners at the church, attended. Staff put together a display of promotional items, informational flyers and the District's magazine. Questions from the group focused on transportation services, caregiving and classes.

Local residents share their caregiving and health journeys
As Dot Damon’s parents grew older and faced health issues, juggling her three primary roles as daughter, nurse and caregiver became challenging. Pattie Braga found herself in a similar position when her father had a stroke. Navigating those times with love, patience and understanding helped them through it, but it wasn’t easy.
Both Ventura County residents shared their journeys along with community members Elizabeth Olson, Leslie McLeod and Dawn Smithfield at Camarillo Health Care District’s second storytelling show, “Stories from the Heart: Tales of Life, Love and Learning" on Feb. 6, 2025 at the Camarillo Public Library. Watch their individual performances here.
The community outreach event served as a live version of the District’s podcast featuring true, personal stories about caregiving, health and family.
“Growing up, I never considered myself an athlete,” said Elizabeth, whose story, “From English Rose to Triathlon Competitor,” is about a health journey inspired by her father and nurtured by friends who held her accountable to a healthy lifestyle. “My story is about the importance of friendship and that you have the power to change how you perceive yourself,” she said.

Dawn’s story is about finding love later in life while experiencing the ups and downs of caring for aging parents.
“What I hope listeners take away from my story is that sometimes love comes later in life, and that we should not give up hope of finding our soulmates,” she said. “Even when we are older, our hearts can still rejoice at finding love, making us feel 16 years old inside.”
She and her husband bonded over being dog parents and serving as family caregivers for their parents.
“The hardest thing we’ve ever had to do was say goodbye to our loved ones, both two- and four-legged, when the time came. But being together has helped us get through it,” she said.
Her story is titled “Better Late than Never.”
Pattie’s is about becoming a family caregiver for her father after his stroke and the lessons she learned after she was given the gift of time with him.
“All those Saturdays and all those ‘Jeopardy’ games on TV, I learned more about him as a person than I ever would have if it weren’t for our time together. Watching him manage his physical limitations taught me about patience, acceptance and dignity.”
Leslie will talk about family dynamics during times of crisis and changing roles as parents age. She hopes her story conveys "heightened awareness of the need for communication, grace and forgiveness in family relationships. "
"Wholly unprepared, my siblings and I walked through times of surprising closeness and devastating division as we learned to communicate frankly, make impossible decisions and extended grace to ourselves and each other," she said.
“To me, relationships are the most important thing in the world. They’re also the most vulnerable, especially when we are dealing with an ailing loved one and our own fragile, super-sized emotions. Through the season of caring for our parents, my siblings and I experienced rifts, but also some of the most precious times of connection.”
Leslie hopes her story resonates with other caregivers and they take away the message to prioritize family relationships and communication when caring for an ailing loved one.
Dot says she was grateful for the opportunity to help her parents during their golden years. “I feel absolutely fulfilled that I was part of their care from when (their need) began until the end of their lives.”
Dot had some help from professional caregivers, recognizing she couldn’t do it alone and that she also needed to take care of herself, giving herself respite and making “self-care” a priority, too. “It’s paramount to be able to function and think clearly when your loved one is relying on you to make decisions and provide them with safety, security and their needs,” she said. She hopes by sharing her journey, other family caregivers will understand they are not alone.
Listen to their stories on our podcast, which you can find here by clicking here.

Staff attend Winter Wellness Resource Fair
Michelle Rogers, Community Outreach and Education manager, and Mariana Gutierrez, Health Promotion coordinator, staffed a booth at Camarillo Public Library Winter Wellness Resource Fair on Jan. 11, 2025. They talked to attendees about the District’s programs, services and classes, and led demonstrations of virtual reality, taking people on virtual tours of cities, a hot air ballon festival and safari. The four-hour event was a great opportunity to speak about our innovative programming.

2024: Holiday Bag Stuffing for Seniors
Members of the Camarillo Council on Aging, Camarillo Amber's Light Lions Club and Senior Nutrition Program staff at Camarillo Health Care District stuffed 220 holiday bags for homebound seniors in the Nutrition Program on Dec. 5, 2024. Bags included fun puzzles, tree ornaments, journals and markers, as well as personal care items and the File of Life for seniors to fill out with their medical information and post it on their refrigerator in case of a medical emergency.

2024: 50 Plus Expo at PVRPD
On Sept. 28, 2024, Michelle Rogers, Community Outreach and Education manager, and Mariana Gutierrez, Health Promotion coordinator, staffed a booth at the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District 50 Plus Expo. They enjoyed talking to attendees about the District’s programs, services and classes, and led demonstrations of virtual reality, taking people on virtual tours of cities, a hot air ballon festival and safari. The three-hour event was heavily attended and a great opportunity to speak about our innovative programming.

2024: District participates in Leisure Village Health & Wellness Fair

On June 21, 2024, we returned to the Leisure Village Health and Wellness Fair and interacted with more than 200 people. Program Officer Blair Barker and Community Outreach and Education manager Michelle Rogers staffed a booth, handing out flyers, copies of our Healthy Attitudes magazine, and promotional items.
The event was held in Leisure Village's Recreation Center and included represenatives from many businesses, organizations and government with services that support seniors.
We talked to many longtime residents, as well as new homeowners who we introduced to our services, programs and classes.
2023: District's 'Adventures in VR' classes featured on CityScene TV
In early 2023, Michelle Rogers, our community outreach and education manager, and Mariana Gutierrez, health promotion coordinator, were interviewed by a film crew hired by the City of Camarillo for CityScene TV, the city's YouTube channel. They talked about our "Adventures in VR" classes, from introductory "Nature Treks" and "Ocean Rift" to more advanced classes like "Wander," "Alcove" and "National Geographic Explore VR," and the benefits of virtual reality for individuals who are feeling isolated and alone or can no longer travel. Efforts to promote the District help us reach more people with our programs, services and classes as we raise awareness of what we can do and where we are located.

2023-24: At the Camarillo Farmers Market, we asked, 'In 1 word, how do you maximize your health and wellness?'

Our Health Promotion coordinator, Mariana Gutierrez, and Community Outreach and Education manager Michelle Rogers set up a booth at the Camarillo Farmers Market on Oct. 1, 2022, Nov. 18, 2023 and Fall Prevention Coordinator Elsa Sierra joined on June 22, 2024, to promote the District's efforts. They shared information about our classes, programs and services, and engaged people on the topic of health and wellness.
They asked, "In one word, How do you maximize your health and wellness?"
In the video, see what people said based on the word cloud that was created. The bigger the word, the more people who agreed with it or repeated the word.
They saw about 100 people each visit between 8 a.m. and noon and were pleased with the turnout and how friendly everyone was as they talked to them.

2023-24: Wellness Fest an opportunity to connect
Our community outreach efforts include an affiliation with the community resource group Moving Seniors Forward. Through our participation in the group, Community Outreach and Education manager Michelle Rogers participates in health fairs across Ventura County. In January 2023 and on Jan. 17, 2024, she volunteered at Wellness Fest at Goebel Adult Community Center in Thouosand Oaks, interacting with more than 200 people at the event along with other members of the group.
Michelle helped staff Moving Seniors Forward's table and handed out bags that included information about the District's programs, services and classes. She also facilitated games and talked to people about the resource group.
The health fair is an annual community event designed to connect people to resources. It features representatives from many organizations, businesses and government agencies affiliated with health and wellness.
2022-24: At the 50 Plus Expo, we asked, 'In 1 word, how do you feel after 50?'
At the Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District's 50 Plus Expo on Sept. 10, 2022, Sept. 23, 2023 and Sept. 28, 2024, we asked people to tell us in one word how they feel after 50. Find out what they said.
2022: Adventures in VR introduced at 2022 50 Plus Expo
With an audience of more than 200 turning out on Sept. 10, 2022, for the Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District's 50 Plus Expo, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to roll out our "Adventures in VR" program. More than two dozen seniors put on one of our Quest 2 headsets, we put the controllers in their hands and they ventured off to Antarctica, went on an African safari, traveled to outers pace and snorkeled in an underwater safari park with whales, sharks, dolphins and other sea creatures.
This was just a tease of what's to come.
Beginning Oct. 10, 2022, you can travel virtually with the Camarillo Health Care District’s new virtual reality program, “Adventures in VR”. VR is an exciting technology that offers participants a full sense of “being there” through immersive headsets and software applications, and utilizes computer technology to create a simulated environment.
As fun as it is, virtual reality is also being widely used in some uncommon ways. For example, VR has proven to help improve quality of life and a sense of well-being by reducing loneliness, addressing depression, and reducing barriers to socialization through common experiences. According to the study “Impact of Virtual Reality Experience on Older Adults’ Well Being” published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Design and Management and MIT AgeLab, "VR is believed to be beneficial to older adults due to its immersive interaction capabilities.
"Participants who used the VR system reported being less socially isolated, being less likely to show signs of depression, experiencing positive affects more frequently, and feeling better about their overall well-being.”
If you’re wondering what VR is and have never experienced it, no worries. The program starts at the required Introductory Level. Introductory Level classes teach how to use the headset and hand controls and how to navigate the heads-up display. After one or two classes, participants may advance to the Intermediate Level, which includes travel adventures to more than a dozen destinations, plus cooking in a virtual kitchen making ancient recipes, and visiting and learning about different cultures.
Class participants will talk about their experiences in a group setting, write in their journals and we'll stamp their passports or provide stickers representing their travel experiences.
Sign up today for one of our individual, Introductory Level classes. Call 805-388-1952, ext. 100, to register.
2022-23: Camarillo Health Care District hosts 'Living Well, Caring Well'
Sixty people turned out for the "Living Well, Caring Well" event held at Camarillo Health Care District. Representatives from adult day centers, caregiver resources, financial resources, in-home care providers, neurology and public benefits joined the Alzheimer's Association, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program, elder legal services and others for the quarterly event presented by Dementia Friendly Ventura County.
This one-stop-shop is for people living with a dementia-related disease and their caregivers. It provides a two-hour window for people to speak with industry professionals in person, navigate local resources and learn about services designed for their needs.
To find out when the next three events will take place and where in Ventura County, email Lois.vcaaa@ventura.org or call 805-477-7300.
Thanks to Ventura County Area Agency on Aging for its support and participation.

'Living Well, Caring Well' one-stop-shop
Are you caring for someone with dementia or have a loved one, friend or neighbor who appears to be experiencing symptoms, and you're looking for resources so you can help?
If you've been longing for one place where you can gather information and talk to experts about dementia-related diseases and the care recommended, Camarillo Health Care District, located at 3639 E. as Posas Road, will host a pop-up event that you'll want to attend.
From 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022, Dementia Friendly Ventura County will present "Living Well, Caring Well," a one-stop shop for people living with a dementia-related disease and their caregivers. Stop by any time during the two-hour event.
Speak to industry professionals in person, easily navigate local resources and learn about services designed especially for you, whether you have early-stage dementia, you're a caregiver or a family member.
Representatives from adult day centers, Adult Protective Services, the Alzheimer's Association, Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy, legal, neurology and public benefits programs, including Medi-Cal and Cal Fresh, will be on hand. In addition, you can speak to people about caregiver resources, in-home care and financial resources.
The "Living Well, Caring Well" one-stop shops will be offered quarterly throughout Ventura County. For more information, please email lois.vcaaa@ventura.org or call 805-477-7300.