Staying healthy and active this summer

Summer officially kicks off on Thursday and you know what that means ...
We become more active. There are more opportunities, such as attending concerts in the park, beach days, family picnics, pool parties, family reunions and getting involved in other activities that keep us busier than usual.
Camarillo Health Care District is busy, too! Catch us at the Camarillo Certified Farmers Market this Saturday. Community Outreach and Education Manager Michelle Rogers and Elsa Sierra, our Fall Prevention Coordinator, will be in a booth located near the main entrance, so you can't miss them. They will answer your questions about our programs, services and classes. Pick up some informational flyers about upcoming lectures by doctors, Medicare presentations by the Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program, free dental screenings, nutrition and financial counseling, scam intervention coaching, and more. We'll also have copies of our Healthy Attitudes magazine and you're invited to help us build a word cloud about health and wellness. Take home a free promotional item, while supplies last.
The farmers market, located on Ventura Boulevard in Old Town, is open 8 a.m. to noon. You'll find food and agricultural vendors, as well as artisans. We hope to see you there!
Yoga reduces stress, calms the mind, strengthens the body
Speaking of becoming more active ... Have you ever considered taking a yoga class? Camarillo Health Care District is offering a 10-week series of Gentle Yoga on Mondays beginning July 1 and ending Sept. 9 (no class on Labor Day). It will be held 3:45-4:45 p.m. The cost is $80 for the series or drop in at $15 per session. Drop-in is also available for our Tuesday series, 9-10 a.m. through Aug. 6.
If you've never heard of Gentle Yoga, it can be relaxing and help enhance range of motion. It relieves stress, increases flexibility, calms the mind and strengthens the body. Movement is slow and linked with breath. In Gentle Yoga, you move at a comfortable pace that reduces strain on joints and muscles.
To sign up, call us at 805-388-1952.
Fall Prevention Programming keeps you on solid ground
While you are on your wellness journey, consider how important balance is in maintaining your independence. We offer Fall Prevention Programming that will help you reduce your risk of falling, while also improving your cognition.
Studies have shown cognitive-motor dual-task training, which is a focus of our BALANCEfit, POWERfit and SMARTfit programs, is beneficial to improving balance and executive function, therefore reducing overall fall risk. Furthermore, with the addition of resistance training in POWERfit, muscle strength improves and that can help with balance and reduce falls. When muscles are stronger, we are less likely to fall, which is a major public health concern in older adults.

BALANCEfit has been part of the District's Fall Prevention programming since 2021. This program focuses on reducing fall risks and improving cognition while progressing participants through a series of games that get more complex and challenging as you move through the levels.
A wide variety of games focus on cognitive and physical skills, some of which may be second nature, and some of which might be more challenging, especially for those with a cognitive impairment. Games are easy to learn and follow, while enhancing motor-skill learning and having fun!
The device tracks your performance and makes the games more challenging as you get better at them. An assessment evaluates physical and cognitive function, including reaction time, ability to take in information (brain), ability to process, and ability to then do the requested activity.
BALANCEfit is recommended twice a week for eight weeks, 30 minutes at a time, and there is no charge.
POWERfit is available to those who have completed at least one BALANCEfit series. POWERfit combines additional rounds of BALANCEfit games with the use of resistance bands to help strengthen the upper body, and build on the success of the previous BALANCEfit work.
POWERfit is designed as a more independent workout, which is why it requires a previously completed BALANCEfit series.
POWERfit is recommended twice a week for at least four weeks, and can be ongoing. Donations are greatly appreciated to support the free programs.
SMARTfit is physical and cognitive training disguised as fun games that make you think while you move. It is designed to deliver preventative and rehabilitative solutions to cognitive functions as well as motor functions. Its unique approach to improving physical, cognitive and mental health is engaging, exciting and very interactive (lots of cheering from the staff!).
SMARTfit is designed for a variety of populations and abilities and immerses participants in playing “easy to learn” exercise games that are very engaging, challenging and motivating.
SMARTfit is our newest dual-task (think while moving) exercise machine that provides brain and body training, measuring cognitive-motor abilities. The program is geared toward improving balance and reducing the risk of falls. Participants complete a baseline (starting point) assessment, and receive an individualized program with recommended training games.
SMARTfit is recommended two times a week for six weeks; 30 minutes each time. Cost is $25 for the series.
Adding a dual-tasking fall reduction and cognitive training program, such as our trio of Fit activities, can improve BOTH physical and cognitive function and address the risk factor of dual-task attention impairments.
- Remove throw rugs and clutter from the home
- Add grab bars to bathrooms
- Do balance and strength training exercises (this is where our Fit activities can help!)
- Have your vision checked
Join our Walking Group to stay active
Another great way to stay active and healthy this summer is to join our Walking Group. Regular walking can help strengthen your legs, reduce stress, benefit your heart and improve overall sense of well-being.
Our walking group is for every age (minors must be accompanied by qualified guardian). There is a five-minute warm-up and 30- to 40-minute walk and conversation afterward. Safe, weather-appropriate clothing and footwear are required.
Meet outside of Building E at Camarillo Health Care District, 3639 E. Las Posas Road, at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If this is your first time, stop in Suite 117 first to say hello and fill out our form.