Serving You During COVID-19
Although some on-site services at the Camarillo Health Care District facility remain temporarily suspended in response to the latest COVID-19 orders, many other services remain available and ready to help you thrive during these very challenging times.
Please review the following programs to see how they have been adapted to better serve you during the health pandemic:
Pick-up option for Congregate meals once a month
REACH consultations for caregivers of Alzheimer's patients
Adult Day Center Support Consultation,
Adult Day Center Activity Packs
We would encourage you to click on the Digital Bridge and Zoom Room Programs in the previous paragraph, and see if there is some way we can assist you and your family in connecting. If you don't have all the computer devices, or wifi connections needed, or a full understanding of all the virutal terms, no worries! The Digital Bridge can help your learn...or the Zoom Room can provide a space already that you can get and stay connected! Please email Health Promotion Coach Luis Morales III, for more information or to schedule time on the 'Bridge or in the Zoom Room!