District Receives VCAAA Grant for Legal Services

Grant expands legal services and education to seniors
The District is pleased to work with the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) through the Older Adult Recovery & Resilience (OARR) program.
Grant funding will help expand legal services and education to assist older adults, and older adults with disabilities with a variety of legal problems and concerns, including elder fraud and scams, elder abuse, advance directives, hiring an in-home caregiver, housing rights and general public benefits, estate planning, conservatorship and capacity, nursing home issues, and other legal matters impacting these populations.
This will be accomplished through educational seminars, elder abuse legal services provided by the Ventura County Legal Aid Clinic, and various educational events offered in person at Camarillo Public Library. These resources will also recorded and available through the District’s website and YouTube channel for future viewing and to provide a permanent resource for older adults and caregivers.