Digital Bridge Program

Free, One-on-One Assistance in Learning About The Virtual World
With the onset of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, many businesses and services became accessible only online (virutally) almost overnight. For some people, that's just wonderful, and for others, not so much. Some households don't have wi-fi services or connectivity, computer equipment, cameras on the devices or smart phones. Some households may also have a lack of confidence in navigating online services, utilizing computer devices of all kinds such as smart phones, ipads, tablets, notebooks, PCs, Macs, or being familiar with the terms used in a virtual setting.
The Digital Bridge Program is designed to assist you in understanding the virtual world a little bit better. Have you recently purchased a smart phone, or has your family given you an ipad or other device so they can communicate with you, but you feel stressed when trying to use it? Do instructions sound like a foreign language?
Those feelings are real, and they can cause fear, frustration, sadness, and loneliness. We've even heard from clients who express a sense of anger, or a lack of belonging, in being "left out" of a world they helped build for so many years. The reality is that many groups of people feel left behind since services have gone mostly virtual.
We're ready to help smooth that out as best we can with the Digital Bridge Program, offering pressure-free, respectful, step-by-step assistance in learning about and navigating a virtual world.
"I am legally blind and in a matter of minutes, over the phone, Luis helped me connect my computer properly so we could Zoom meet for our Care Management visit. I could see him better on Zoom and had a better experience with my care management!"-- Care Management client
Digital Bridge offers free, one-on-one, telephone assistance or in-person visits (at the District) to help you gain an understanding of the general use of technology such as iphones, ipads, tablets, and some common applications such as FaceTime, Zoom meetings, and medical telehealth calls. Learning about these communication opportunities can offer new ways to connect with friends and family during the closures, improve access to health services, and alleviate symptoms of isolation, loneliness and depression. Appointments are approximately 30 minutes long, and can be made by calling Luis at 805-388-1952, extension 206.
For clients who don't have access to wi-fi services, computer cameras or home computers, a sister program to Digital Bridge is called the Zoom Room Program. Zoom Room offers a confidential setting at the District, equipped to facilitate Zoom meetings, medical provider/appointment calls, family connections call, and more. District staff is also available to appropriately assist you in connecting for your call. Simply call to schedule your 30-minute (approximately) appoinment in the Zoom Room, and prepare to enjoy your call. The Zoom Room is sanitized following each 3o-minute visit. Please call Luis at 805-388-1952, extension 206 to make an appointment. Click here for more on Zoom Room.
Telephone (805) 388-1952