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Intro VR: Ocean Rift

Join us for an opportunity after hours to participate in our VR classes. Explore the ocean as a virtual scuba diver getting introduced to and learning about the different sea creatures, from Great White Sharks, Beluga and Humpback whales, dolphins and sea lions to sea snakes and the now-extinct Pliosaurus and Mosasaurus aquatic lizards. If this is your first time to using Oculus/Meta 2 virtual reality headsets and controllers, no worries. We provide the equipment and teach you how to use it using the application "First Steps." Next, choose "Ocean Rift." This is an hour of fun for the whole family (13 and older), friends night out or after-work with your colleagues!

5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 21

Cost: $5 (non-district residents add $4)

Call 805-388-1952 to register for one of these classes and/or be added to a interest list.

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